CHAN 2020: Preselected Intermediate Lions clinically examined

Medical staff of the Intermediate Lions have completed the medical examination of the preselected players currently in camp in Mbankomo. Dr Bissou Mahop and Dr Thom Bolivar explained that the purpose of the examination is to determine the fitness of the players as they begin this training camp.

« With this exercise, we can identify those with problems on the legs and knees or wounds. » Dr Mahop said.

« We will have to do analysis of the physical activity, their responses to our questionnaires, their weight and hieght. From there we will conclude on what each one of them will need to do to be fit. » Dr Thom added.

The players will have their first training session this Wednesday September 16, 2020 after a long break imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.

Coach Yves Clement Arroga A, in an exchange with players in the official camp opening ceremony on Tuesday evening, the tactician noted that their call for this training camp is not the final step to participating in the African Nations championship CHAN on home soil early next year. He prescribed hard work, discipline and commitment as guides towards their successful stay in the team.


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