Alain Djeumfa, nouvel entraîneur des Lionnes Indomptables A

Le président de la FECAFOOT Seidou Mbombo Njoya a signé le 25 janvier 2019 une décision nommant Djeumfa Alain Defrasne comme sélectionneur des Lionnes Indomptables A, en remplacement de Ndoko Joseph Brian. Le meme jour, Seidou Mbombo Njoya a nommé Bechem Tanyi Peter comme entraîneur adjoint des Lionnes Indomptables A chargé des gardiennes de buts.


Comments (2)

  1. Paddy Shake

    Dear Mr Mbombo Njoya Seidou,

    I have tried hard since yesterday to understand what could have made you possibly consider and making it official that the head coach of Cameroon’s indomitable Lionesses henceforth is Djeumfa Alain? Not that I have an issue with him being made their coach but wondering why you could not exercise patience and let Joseph Ndoko take them to France for the world cup before bringing about these changes to the technical bench.

    Sir may I remind you tha, while these girls are still to launch their preparation their opponents are already at work. Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand have lined up series of friendly games in addition to those already played. Nigeria’s super falcons and South Africa as well have been at work too. Do not expect these girls to work magic at the world cup with this attitude.

    This is the only team that has been managed by anglophones and that again has been taken away from us..I feel disappointed Sir.

    You may have ur reasons but I hold/have a right to my opinion.

  2. Ndiga Mbena

    Vous reprochez quoi à Joseph Ndocko? Pourquoi ce licenciement sans explication?

    Lui il qualifie le Cameroun pour le mondial et une autre personne vient profiter? Est-ce normal?

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