La Commission d’organisation de la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations s’est réunie ce jour ,mercredi 15 janvier 2020, à l’Hôtel Hilton de Yaoundé. A l’ordre...
The regional delegate for Sports and Physical Education for the Littoral Region on Wednesday January 8 paid a surprise visit to the Intermediate Lions’s...
Les Lionnes indomptables ont été sacrées meilleure Sélection nationale féminine d’Afrique en 2019 aux CAF AWARDS 2019. Avant de début de la cérémonie des...
Players preselected for the Intermediate Lions will arrive in Yaounde this Monday December 9, to begin the second preselection training camp ahead of the...
The Coach of the Intermediate Lions has described the first phase preselection training camp for players into the intermediate lions as satisfactory. Talking to...
28 preselected players for the Intermediate Lions have entered week two of training in Yaoundé under the supervision of coach Yves Clement Arroga. The...
The Coach of the Intermediate Lions has admitted that the upcoming Total African Nations Championship to be staged in Cameroon constitutes a major challenge...
L’entraineur-sélectionneur des Lions Indomptables, Toni Conceiçao, tout auréolé de sa victoire au Rwanda en éliminatoires de la CAN 2021, a conduit son staff à...