“We are going to give all we have to win this competition.” Intermediate Lions Coach

The Coach of the Intermediate Lions has admitted that the upcoming Total African Nations Championship to be staged in Cameroon constitutes a major challenge for him and his team.

Talking to www.fecafoot-officiel.com Tuesday November 19, 2019 at the close of the first day of training with the first phase of 28 preselected players as part of preparations for the biannual tournament, Coach Yves Clement Arroga noted that playing at home constitute a major challenge reason why they must work hard. “This is a serious challenge and we are going to give all we have to win this competition” he said

On his evaluation of the first day of training he stated “the session was very good. It was to see how the players are; how they came from their clubs and I think we have a very good team and very good players. Certainty they know it will be very difficult to enter the final list. I think a good number from this first group will be able to make the list. About 15 players at least I am sure will make the final list and we will do all to have them win this competition.”

During a psychological preparation session with the players on the first day in camp, Coach Yves Clement Arroga after a series of video projected illustrations was emphatic when he told his boys “I am here to win” explaining that it is for this reason he will be retaining only the best to represent Cameroon in the final list at the end of the different pre-selection phases.

He went on to present his different strategic game plans to the team stating that for players to be retained, they must be able to understand and implement the plans with no errors.

“In my club we train mostly physical fitness but here for the first day we have trained mostly on technicalities and this I think is because the philosophy of the coach is technical.” Enow Narcise Bin Adolph Center Forward from Dragon FC coming for the first time in the den.

Corroborating Samuel Nlend Offensive Midfielder regular intermediate lion from Union of Douala noted “The most important is not to be an old player in the team; it is to score the highest number of points. We are at the beginning of our training camp and the method our coach has used is more technical unlike my previous call-up which was more for physical fitness. We play a lot and I think it is a good initiative for him.”

Other members of the technical team have also been taking turns to caution the players on the importance of the championship to the government and people of Cameroon insisting that anything less than winning is not part of the plan by the technical staff.

This first phase training camp will end on December 1, 2019.