CHAN 2020: Sports and Physical education Minsiter in the den

Sports and Physical Education Minister this Tueaday September 29, 2020 made a stopover at the CAF excellence center in Mbankomo where preselected players of the Intermediate Lions have been camping.

Prof Narcisse Mouelle Kombi visited at the close of the first post COVID-19 break training camp to listen to the players and technical staff to ensure there is victory oriented cohenssion in the group.

After listening to the players, coaches, surpervisors, the National Technical Director, and the medical staff, the minister assured that all what is required to optimise the center to enhance preparations will be provided.

He has challenged the coaches to select just the best players in the country so as to ensure Cameroon wins the competition.

The team goes on a few days break with plans to return to camp on the 4th of October 2020.


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