CHAN 2020: Preselected Lions return to action! One week on!

Preselected players for the Intermediate national football team resumed training this week in preparation for the African Nations Championship CHAN scheduled for early next year. The team that arrived the CAF Excellence center in Mbankomo on Tuesday September 15, 2020 as programmed by lead trainer Yves Clement Arrogga A. has since engaged several activities aimed at ensuring fitness. The players who have been out of competitive actions since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the country in March 2020 have had to undergo health checks coordinated by the Medical Staff before engaging intensive athletic activities under the coordination of the physical fitness trainer Herve Mbome.


Upon arrival on Tuesday September, everyone including the technical staff had to present results of their COVID-19 test to the team’s manager Timothe Atouba who will later hand over the tests to the Medical staff for verification.

The evening will be reserved for some counseling and familiarisation with each member of the team. The coaches in separate interventions presented their philosophy to the players with a constant reminder to demonstrate a sense of duty and obove all for country.

According to Yves Clement Arroga A, he is on a mission to win the competition and every player in camp should have the same objective. Deputy trainer Emmanuel Ndumbe Bosso congratulated all for making it to the list while corroborating the coach that only the best will be retained.

The goal keeper trainer Assimba Clement will underline the honour that comes with wearing the national flag maintaining that nothing should preoccupy the payers now than giving the country a good representation if they are finally retained. With the training camp focused on the athletic fitness of the players, Physical fitness trainer Herve Mbome noted that much work has to be done following the long break with little or no work and the Coaches style of play.

The Medical team through Dr Euloge Yiagnigni Mfopou urged the players to take rest, sufficient water consumption, no auto medication advise seriously. With his collaborators, they assured payers of constant medical follow-up to guarantee fitness during the two weeks camp and subsequent groupings.


Clinical examination

On Wednesday September 16, 2020, the Medical staff spent the early hours of the day carrying out the medical examination of the preselected players.  Dr Bissou Mahop and Dr Thom Bolivar explained that the purpose of the examination is to determine the fitness of the players as they begin this training camp. The players all responded to a questionnaire before being subjected to some physical exercises.

« With this exercise, we can identify those with problems on the legs and knees or wounds. » Dr Mahop said.

First Training Session

After the clinical examination, the team then proceeded with the first training session entirely dedicated to jogging and aerobics coordinated by the physical fitness trainer Herve Mbome.

Press Conference

Coach Yves Clement Arroga A accompanied by Herve Mbome and Dr Thom Bolivar at the close of the training session granted a press conference with the aim of presenting to the media and eventually the public the state of things in camp.

Speaking during the press conference, Yves Clement Arroga A. disclosed that Simon Omosola initially called up for the preparation camp has not shown up and will be replaced by Anye Derick.

According to the Coach, the coming of Anye Derick newly signed shot stopper for Cotonsport of Garoua into the den is no surprise as he was already on the waiting list.

While Dr Thom Bolivar of the medical team explained what has been done amongst them the clinical examination, ensuring the presence of facemasks and regular disinfection to reduce the risk off contamination, the physical fitness trainer on his part explained why the players will have to be subjected to serious athletic activities.

Anye Derick called to Camp

Following the invitation of the Coach, Anye Derick joined the rest of the group on Friday. He had to engage extra athletic activities during the early morning training on Saturday September 19. While the other players had time to play with the ball for some time, the shot stopper could not get the luxury as the physical fitness trainer made sure he catches up with the others. Goal keepers trainer Assimba Clement has welcomed Anye promising to engage all three of them in the best ways possible to ensure they are up to the expected level.

The Spirit in Camp

It has been an amazing spirit of fraternity in the den. From first sight, it can be concluded that it is a family. The technical staff are in perfect harmony with the players.

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