Resolutions adopted at extra-ordinary session of FECAFOOT’s General Assembly

The extra-ordinary session of the General Assembly of the Cameroon Football Federation FECAFOOT took place yesterday July 26, 2019 at the Mont Febe Hotel in Yaounde with 08 resolutions arrived at.

The come together that had as aim amongst others; the consideration and adoption of the budget estimate for the 2019 financial year and the consideration and adoption of some proposed amendments was chaired by FECAFOOT’s Preident Seidou Mbombo Njoya.

After some hours of deliberations with the 69 Delegates present in accordance with provisions of Article 22, 25, 26 and 27 of FECAFOOT’status, the following resolutions were adopted.

  • The General Assembly notes that the Administrative procedure relating to the declaration of meetings, the rules relating to the convening of meetings and the respect of the quorum were observed in accordance with the statutes of Fecafoot.
  • The sixty-nine sitting Delegates at the General Assembly unanimously adopted the agenda as proposed in the convening notices that were transmitted to them.
  • After the presentation of the audit report for the 2018 financial year by the auditor, the sixty-nine (69) sitting Delegates to the General Assembly unanimously approved the accounts presented by the independent Auditor for the period of January 01 2018 to December 31, 2018.
  • The Budget of Fecafoot for the financial year beginning from January 01, 2019 closed in revenue and expenditure at the sum of 6,101,767,126 FCFA is unanimously adopted by the sixty-nine (69) Delegates to the General Assembly.
  • The sitting Delegates to the General Assembly unanimously adopted the proposed amendments of some FECAFOOT instruments which follow;


  1. The statutes of FECAFOOT
  2. The electoral code of FECAFOOT
  3. The standard statutes of Regional Leagues
  4. The standard statutes of Divisional Leagues
  5. The statutes of the Professional Football League of Cameroon
  6. The statutes of the women’s football league
  7. The statutes of the youth football League
  8. The statutes of football referring
  9. The General Regulations of FECAFOOT
  10. The financial regulation of FECAFOOT
  11. The rules of the National Chamber of Dispute Resolution
  12. The code of Ethics of FECAFOOT
  13. The Disciplinary code of FECAFOOT
  14. The standard statutes of Amateur Clubs affiliated to FECAFOOT
  15. The FECAFOOT –PFLC Convention


  • The General Assembly approves by 27 votes for and 23 against the application of the Association of Sports Medicine Professionals (APROMES) to become a member of FECAFOOT.
  • The General Assembly approves Resolution N°5 of the Executive Committee meeting of July 25 2019 which recommends that for the next sitting of the Executive Committee, the National Technical Director submits a detailed annual action plan outlining the goals, the budget, the evaluation criteria and results? He will equally have to propose a chronogram on the short, medium and long term activities quantified forecast objective
  • The General Assembly approves the Resolution N°10 of the Executive Committee meeting July 25, 2019 setting up an Ad Hoc Committee to examine the terms and conditions for the continuation and completion of the construction work of the FECAFOOT Headquarters building in WARDA and appoints Mr ETEKI DIKONGUE Charles as a member of the said Committee.