FECAFOOT-CRTV partnership: Moving Cameroon Football forward

The Cameroon Football Federation (FECAFOOT) and the Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV) have signed a partnership agreement with the objective of improving the image of Cameroon’s major Football championships.

The partnership agreement signed on Friday 16 April 2021 at the headquarters of FECAFOOT in Tsinga Yaoundé hands over image rights (production and broadcast) of the Elite One and Two professional football Championships, the Guinness Super league (by the Women’s Football league) and the Cup of Cameroon to CRTV.

According to the President of FECAFOOT, the competitions covered by the partnership are products of his institution which she wants to make competitive and attractive. The performance of Cameroon during the 2020 African Nations Championships, Cotonsport of Garoua in the ongoing CAF confederations according to Seidou Mbombo Njoya presents some of the great qualities hidden in our football soliciting just better organisation, promotion and marketing.

“A great future awaits this partnership. FECAFOOT on her part is intentional about meeting the challenges both now and in future. She rejoices to have had such a prestigious partner whose passion for football needs no further illustration.” Seidou Mbombo Njoya said

Corroborating, CRTV General manager Charles Ndongo presented the state broadcaster’s credential in handling such duties. He outlined his station’s equipment and human resources which he noted are complete and performing enough to give Cameroon’s football a new image.

The win-win partnership signing event was witnessed by the board chairperson of the CRTV Rene Emmanuel Sadi who doubles as the Minister of Communication, the President of the National Olympic and Sports Committee Col Kalkaba Malboum and the Secretary General of the Centre Region representing his governor.

By Bakah Derick

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