Elite One




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Accréditations Championnats saison 2020/2021

La Fédération Camerounaise de Football informe les professionnels des médias que la procédure d’accréditation pour la couverture des championnats de la saison 2020-2021 est...
ActualitéChampionnat féminin D1Elite OneElite TwoFecafootFIFAFOOTBALL AMATEURSFootball des JeunesFOOTBALL FÉMININFootball Professionnel

FECAFOOT commits to transparent distribution of FIFA COVID-19 funds

The Cameroon Football Federation FECAFOOT has made public her intention to be as transparent as possible in the distribution of the World’s football governing...
ActualitéElite OneFecafoot

Players wellbeing: a priority to FECAFOOT

Members of the Players Status Commission of the Cameroon Football Federation FECAFOOT have ended three days of deliberation on the wellbeing of footballers in...