FECAFOOT commits to transparent distribution of FIFA COVID-19 funds
The Cameroon Football Federation FECAFOOT has made public her intention to be as transparent as possible in the distribution of the World’s football governing body FIFA COVID-19 special assistance fund to the association.
The President of FECAFOOT Seidou Mbombo Njoya took the commitment during a press conference on Thursday July 16 at the federation headquarters in Tsinga Yaounde. Prior to committing the FA to the transparency engagement, the President admitted that football has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic leading to the abrupt end or cancellation of competitions at the federal or confederal levels. This gave reason for FIFA to approve a suport plan to member associations FECAFOOT inclusive.
The President detailed to the journalists and media professionals that the assistance which amounts to 1.5million US dollars representing a million dollars assistance for men’s professional and amateur football clubs and 500 000 US dollars for women’s football.
While stating that the implementation of this assistance has been clearly defined by FIFA, Seidou Mbombo Njoya explained that the funds will be used to ensure start of competitions, putting in place of a health protocol for return to stadiums, remuneration of employees, Maintainance of football infrastructures and general administrative and operational charges.
To ensure transparency, the President added that a distribution plan proposed by the executive committee of FECAFOOT during the meeting of July 15, 2020 has been submitted to FIFA for approval with 85% allocated to clubs and about 15% to cover execution charges by FECAFOOT.
« It is important to state that, the funds will be cashed-out only after the approval of FIFA. » The President said adding « the beneficiaries are the professional clubs, amateur clubs of the regional and divisional leagues, youth football clubs as well as women’s first and second division clubs. »
He also gave details on when the funds will be available maintaining that as part of FIFA’s good governance programme, the expenses related to the funds in its totality must be backed by appropriate justification from the beneficiaries. « I therefore call on the beneficiaries not to lose sight of the obligation to justify the use of funds to be put at their disposal. » He said
Seidou Mbombo Njoya used the press conference to disclose that like FIFA, CAF has also announced the putting in place of a special COVID-19 assistance plan for member associations. « This assistance will be subject to a rational, equitable and transparent distribution by the Executive committee of FECAFOOT when the time comes. » The President concluded.